Rhys King

IT Technician

Rhys is one of our Senior IT Technicians and deals directly with customers who have technical issue, as well as making sure clients’ systems are maintained, run smoothly and efficiently. Rhys started with Systemagic as an IT apprentice and has worked his way up to Senior IT Technician over the years.

He’s a keen footballer and a huge Arsenal FC fan.

Quick fire questions answered by Rhys

What do you do when you’re not in the office?

When I’m not in the office I love playing football. I play most weekends for my 5 aside team Frome Town Sports – I also enjoy spending time with friends and family. 

What is your favourite piece of tech?

My favourite piece of tech is definitely my iPhone. I use it for messaging, social media, taking pictures, you name it! I 100% could not live without it! 

If you could move your desk anywhere in the world where would it be?

I would move my desk to the Emirates stadium. It would be great, I could watch Arsenal all the time and i’d never miss a game! 

What would your superpower be?

Hmm, it would have to be having the ability to predict the results for horse racing! (For obvious reasons!)