Gabriel Hunter

IT Technician

Gabriel joined Systemagic in October 2024 as an IT Technician. He will be working on our helpdesk, assisting our customers with technical problems while learning from our senior IT technicians.

Quick fire questions answered by Gabriel

What do you do when you’re not in the office?

Mostly playing video games or watching films – how original! Otherwise clambering in or under my car replacing something that inevitably broke – when I can afford that money pit.

What is your favourite piece of tech?

Probably my PC. It’s something I’m proud to call my own, having spent time and money to personally build it! It does everything I need from playing games old and new, to keeping in touch and ‘socialising’ with distant friends.

If you could move your desk anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Most likely Sesimbra, a coastal town south of Lisbon, Portugal. I love the country, the people, but not the heat – so there’d definitely need to be A/C!

What would your superpower be?

Ever since I saw Star Wars as a child I wished I had the force. Otherwise I’ve always said I wish I could teleport. Think of the cost and time savings!