Systemagic Team Day 2021

Systemagic’s Team Day 2021

For the second year running our annual trip to Center Parcs was put on hold and we had a more pandemic friendly Team Day.  Our annual Team Day is an important opportunity for the team to come together away from the ringing phones of the helpdesk and to celebrate team and individual successes. It also gives us an opportunity to brush up on skills and learn some new ones. Not forgetting to relax and have fun as a group.

On The Day

This year we started the day in the office (sadly the weather wasn’t quite good enough to be outdoors all day). James recapped on the past year and set our goals for the coming year.  Fiona then handed our our annual awards. This year Rhys took the award for Director’s Award for Special Contribution and James Bunting took the Top Performing Technician. Both were really pleased with their trophies and vouchers.  It was such a hard decision this year with so many of the team worthy of the trophies. We do give out weekly spot prizes and rewards too so nobody goes without at Systemagic!   Thanks to both winners for stepping up during the last year and really leading by example during a busy and unusual period!

We then had a group activity based on the Colour Profiling that we use at Systemagic as a key driver of customer service.  James is a certified practitioner so lead us through a recap session exploring the skills we can all use to provide a tailored service for each and every customer.   We then learned how we can use our awareness of behaviour preferences to communicate better with each other and with our clients. Finally, reminded of areas we might develop our soft skills depending on our preferences.

Once the formalities were done we had hired the field opposite our office in Bradford on Avon. Here we had some marquees set up and the team cooked up a BBQ feast (far too much food!). We then played rounders, frisbee, football and boules and generally enjoyed the sunshine.

You can watch our short video of the day here to spot your favourite tech away from their native helpdesk environment!

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