Advanced Threat Protection

Protecting your business against advanced threats

If you read our previous blog you’ll know that there are ways in which you can detect Email scams however sometimes the naked eye is not enough! Having antivirus and firewalls in place was previously seen as an adequate layer of protection in safeguarding businesses from cyber attacks however, as Cloud technologies continue to advance, businesses are now at risk of more progressive threats. To combat these sophisticated threats, new solutions are required which is why we’ve been busy implementing a new product Microsoft’s ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) into our clients infrastructure.

ATP is a Microsoft product with three modules. Each has been developed to help protect the following Office 365 products: 


Phishing is an attempt to gain sensitive information from you (usually through email) This is done most commonly by impersonating an individual you know or an organisation you use such as a bank or retailer or even a co-worker.  ATP anti-phishing uses impersonation detection algorithms and machine learning technologies to mitigate phishing attempts. Depending on the policies setup it can also warn users or delete attempts. No more dodgy “are you in the office to make a bank transfer” emails!

Safe Attachments

One of the most common ways systems are infiltrated by attacks like viruses, ransomware and malware is through email attachments.  Advance Threat Protection checks all attachments for malicious intent, if the message is determined to be safe it will be delivered to your mailbox, if threats are detected they will be blocked.

Safe Links

Another common way for systems to be infiltrated is through links, either within emails or in office files. Advanced Threat Protection provides verification of web addresses (links), safe links remain accessible, malicious links are blocked. This means even if you accidentally click a link in an email pretending to be from Amazon or HMRC, ATP will stop you from being infected.

Along with the above modules, ATP protects files shared between users in OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams by scanning identifying and blocking files it deems to be malicious.

How do I get Advanced Threat Protection for my business?

For existing users of Office 365, if you have Microsoft 365 Enterprise, Microsoft 365 Business, Office 365 Enterprise E5, Office 365 Education A5 ATP is already included. If you have other Office 365 subscriptions you can purchase Advanced Threat Protection as an add-on for £1.51 per user.

In terms of setup – just leave it to us, we can arrange the licensing and policies for you,  all you need to do is give our Technical Director, Chris a shout or call us today. 


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