5 ways to help your business bounce back with SEO

COVID-19 has transformed business practices and whilst some are thriving in the current climate, others are finding alternative methods to bounce back, stay lean and reach new audiences. We’ve been busy discussing with clients how implementing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) into their marketing strategy can help businesses grow!

The trouble with SEO is that it’s seen as the reason for most of the spam you get.   It’s considering a dark art – black magic that you pay for and never really know what’s being done and what you’re getting back.   Systemagic’s SEO service was borne from these same frustrations with our own outsourced SEO, so we equipped ourselves with the knowledge, tools and training needed and ended up being pretty successful at it (according to our SEO clients!)

To provide a greater understanding of how results are achieved we’ve outlined our top 5 tips that we believe pave the way in building a successful search engine optimisation strategy. 

1. Healthcheck, check, and check again!

Performing a web audit is the best starting point in understanding how well a website is performing in the eyes of the search engines. Understanding the keywords your website is ranking for, on-page performance and overall site speed enables businesses to highlight areas in need of improvement. 

2. Conduct a competitor analysis

To determine whether you need to push harder with your SEO strategy it’s important to benchmark your current performance against the competition. Afterall, if you’re already ranking higher than your competition, why bother with SEO?   Systemagic monitor the keywords, traffic and backlink progress of our clients competitors and offer advice in areas where they may be weaker than their competition. 

3. Optimise website content optimisation

On-page optimisation refers to actions which can be taken to help your website rank higher such as amending title tags, URL’s and meta descriptions. Ensuring the pages of content on your website are fully optimised is vital in helping your website gain visibility.  The search engines are very specific about what they want to see, so it’s important your site is geared towards being listed as highly as possible.

4. Create tailored content

Producing unique, informative and relevant pieces of content whether that be through blogging, white papers or E-books is an important factor to help position websites further up the ranks. Google likes to see fresh, relevant and unique content.   It also helps new users find quality information and discover more useful content, building up authority and rapport with your potential customers as they browse your website.

5. Build quality backlinks

A backlink is a link from another website back to yours. Link building boosts SEO performance because it’s seen as a ‘vote of confidence’ from an external source. It is key when link building you focus on building fewer links from high quality websites to see the best results – this is where many SEO agencies fall down because they buy huge numbers of poor quality backlinks so they have big numbers to show you.   It’s better to have one link form the BBC than 1000 links from weird and wonderful forums that nobody ever visits.

Investing in SEO can seem daunting – it was down to our own confusion and frustration with SEO agencies that made us start doing SEO ourselves! At Systemagic, we work closely with our clients in outlining clear strategies and offering a range of packages in which have seen genuine results.  If you don’t see evidence and real improvement then we can’t expect you to see SEO as a worthwhile investment of time and money.

We’re offering free website health-checks to businesses looking to bounce back and increase their online visibility. If you’d like more information, we’d love to hear from you

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