Our key benefits of using SharePoint online

As the year draws to an end we’ve been reflecting on some of the most invaluable services we’ve implemented for our clients across 2018. SharePoint Online is a platform that helps businesses share and collaborate effectively and we’ve had a busy year integrating it into workplaces. We believe the platform comes with a number of benefits so if you’re considering moving to SharePoint but are unsure if it’s right for your business then check out our four key benefits below:

Completely Cloud-based

We’re now seeing a massive shift in the amount of staff working remotely and SharePoint is a valuable tool for those who need to access their files anywhere, at any time. The web-based platform is placed entirely on the Cloud. This could be a major advantage to your business as it could mean you’d no longer need to rely on having a physical server in place to protect information. By allowing many businesses to move away from having a physical server it reduces cost, saves on electricity and makes  systems more secure, more flexible and more reliable!


Operating as a centralised infrastructure, SharePoint allows clear access to all your important documentation in one simple to access location. This is super handy as your staff need just one area to look for everything they need saving themselves both time and effort.

Full integration with Microsoft Office

As a product of Microsoft it’s no surprise that SharePoint works seamlessly alongside its other platforms. If you use Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams or Word on a regular basis then SharePoints fully integrated platform allows you to work effortlessly alongside other Office programs.

Customisable elements

SharePoint Online has the ability to customise entirely to your business requirements. Not only can you use the functionality to ensure your staff have exactly what they need and when they need it in terms of documentation and accessing important information you can also customise the platform to mirror your businesses branding.

Our clients have consistently told us that they’ve found the move to SharePoint very simple, painless and easy to get used to.  We’ve yet to have a single customer struggle with using SharePoint and have had lots of positive reviews and outcomes from our client migrations in 2018. If you’d like more information on how we can integrate SharePoint into your business, or you already use SharePoint and want to make the most of the benefits then we’d love to hear from you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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